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Summer greetings bretheren!

"Where have we been?" you might very well ask. You just might very well. Usually spring-summer are live show time and frolicking rite celebration. However, due to nationwide fallout from Harvard MBA Brokerage type gambling addictive economical sorcery, many clubs we play be outta bidniss! They assure us we weren't the cause and blame the Hegelian economy, ciggy-ban and DUI laws. How very sad. Credibility unwaned, we also feel the cycle has spun to the fist-pumping Jersey shore types who demand their Lady Gaga and regard rock music as a nuisance. Especially ours. If any diligent cyber-readers know of upcoming graduations, weddings, divorces or bar-mitzvah's you think we'd be appropriate for, please contact us! Will play for challah!

Rather than face the obvious and mature, we opted to revisit Schopenhauer's theories on will, thus focusing on recording, mixing and twisting the various knobs required for the fall release of our next album, "Music For Creeps". Oh boy! Think of the riffs!

Moderately intoxicated interview for an internet radio show last week on IRadioUSA, which is being broadcast nightly all week at 11:00 PM EST at:

a href="http://www.iradiousa.com/page3.html">http://www.iradiousa.com/page3.html

Check it out. As many of you know: we're fascinating fellows! Prolly online chat rooms and such, so we're easily eheckled.


Tuesday, June 22...9:00...The Trash Bar....Willyburg, Brooklyn.


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