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Live At The Pussycat Lounge, 10/19

Blessed are the fornicators, for they shall inherit crab! (Wally 21:19)

Back at it on WEDNESDAY, 10/19...8PM at THE PUSSYCAT LOUNGE. We'll be playing a 40 minute set with some old favorites specially suited to the venue and a few rude ones you haven't heard before.

This week's Village Gay Voice "BEST OF" edition lists The PL as "Best Strippers Who Haven't Been Under The Knife" and goes on to say: "Now we know how those CCNY coeds are paying for their paralegal degrees. They're dancing enthusiastically if inexpertly at the PUSSYCAT LOUNGE. There are skinny ones, jiggly ones, rhythmless ones, and one who insists on dressing like a kitten."


This one sounds too good to be true: Strippers downstairs in a Wall Street sleazefest; booze, greasy amps and CUSTARD WALLY upstairs....can ya think of a better band for such a venue?

Note to the long-suffering husbands: This is the one to attend, leave the cabbage at home! Kosher husbands, don't ferget yer dental dams!

To the womenfolk: We'll prolly have a stripper or 2 onstage wif us, so feel free to swing yer rackholders, jump onstage and join us in the cacophony. Many of you have stripped for us privately and this is your chance to foolfill dem unrealistic showbiz fantasies....we've been there for you in the past and now we'd like to take you public.

Cutey nudie kitty porn and self-adhesive sofas downstairs...we're on the 2nd floor. There are separate entrances, so our pseudo-prudo pals need not fear a dose of drip!

8:00 - 8:40 PM

718/596-4841 ext 2

96 Greenwich Street at Rector, 2nd floor.


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