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What can I do for you?
What can I do for you?
Be it a rival or a friend,
A little ride around the bend;
I'd be glad to take one with you!

What can I do for you?
What shall I go and prove?
I'll take yer mother fer a snack,
I'll hang my mittens on your rack,
Maybe have a whiskey or two.

What can I do for you?
How high will you hike the hoop?
I'll never show you my right cross,
I'll send a missile to your boss;
Sweep up all the rubble for you.

What if I climbed the highest peak
and golden-showered all those below?
Found that I had a bit more left
for you to write your name in the snow?
What's in our hearts are sure to set some sparks, to:
Ruffle 'n ravage!
Lose the baggage!
Then tell me what I can do for you.

One day when you dream of sausage past
and sadly burp a soft one for me;
Feasibly find when the smoke all clears
that each of them imposes a fee.
A gain and loss, unreimbursable cost and,
Reverse inflation!
Is that in store for you and me?

What can I do for you?
Who will I go and sue?
I'll put my finger in the pope,
I'll steal a laughing baby's dope,
I would gladly share it with you.

What will you do for me?
How will you shake my tree?
I'll watch your cable, drive yer car,
Just leave the children at the bar.
That's what you can do for me.

And tell me what to do for you,
Tell me what to do for you.
And that's what I'll do for you!


C & P Copyright Chris Giunta 2004

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