Wake up girl!
Not everything you see is what it seems!
Whassap girl?
No you're not on stage, no you're not on a screen.
Ooo! - quite explosive, verbosive and sure to ignite.
Ooo! - two non-casual hips that crashed in the night.
I thought you were great,
but you act like you came in a crate.
A questioning mouth
sure to make a man start walking south.
Oh no, girl!
Dem underpanties you're swinging is making me wince!
Come, come girl!
You can lead a whore to water but can't make her rinse.
Ooo - and now it's time to start acting oh so tough!
Ooo - you strike me as the kind that never gets enuff,
Not enuff, not enuff, no!
No! No! No!
A simple little pimple who could make a porpoise a cynic.
A wisecracking waitress who knows the way to the clinic.
Let's have a talk and find a way,
Cos if we touch you just might say,
"Ooo - ooo!"
You're making me dream of you girl!
That's right baby.
C & P Copyright Chris Giunta 2004 |