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You've got a luvly little ass,
And how I'd luv to touch it!
You swing a winking raisenette,
I'd really luv to touch it!

Cos that is the place where the gods must agree:
That mere measly mortals luv such buttockery!

That's such a pretty pussaroo,
And how I'd luv to touch it!
That pussaroo is sure to do,
To nudge and clutch and dutch-rub it!

I'd handle the sharp curves,
And push the purple plum.
And just as we get there,
I'm sure the train'd come.

How I'd luv to, how I'd luv to, how I'd luv to, I'd sure luv to!
How I'd luv to, how I'd luv to, how I'd luv to touch and touch and touch it!

You keep an awfully smelly mutt,
I'll have to pass on that one!
A trusted friend who won't shut-up,
At least she's not a fat one!

Cos them are the kind that make warriors weep,
And I ain't as tough as them blokes seem to be.

How I'd luv to, how I'd luv to, how I'd luv to, yes I'd luv to!
How I'd luv to, how I'd luv to, how I'd luv to touch and touch and touch it


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