Louder than Manhattan,
Crusty as a stooler's ass!
Barfin' in the gutter,
Ya know, you always had a lotta class.
Thought of as most likely
To hide your daddy's nitro pills.
Moanin' like an Onanist,
Licking up the spills.
Fartin' loud and laughing,
You take a match to city hall.
This hickhole town won't soon forget
Your blue-brass benwah balls.
You're worse than all that have come before.
Worse than all that have come before.
Worse than all that have come before.
Worse than all that have come before.
$400 for a haircut?
I wish they'd simonize your mouth!
You've the wisdom of the northernmost hole of a donkey,
When that donkey's trotting south.
"The proof is in the pud," you said
And gave the mayor clap.
When he didn't laugh along,
Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap.
The city screams for mercy
As your sex drive shatters glass,
You stuck a label on their heads that said,
"Insert foot up ass."
You're worse than all that have come before.
Worse than all that have come before.
Worse than all that have come before.
Worse than all that have come before.
C & P Copyright Chris Giunta 2011