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(206 Records Magazine #18)

Straight out of Brooklyn riding a cresting wave of testosterone laden spew of raunchy rock-n-roll songs about strange, perverse topics come this rocking trio. The CD cover alone is worth the price of the CD (Three hairy guys sucking on carefully sculpted weiner-shaped ice cream cones?) Peggy is a rocking song in the vain of say The Meatmen, sickos will love these guys!! (Custard Wally P.O. Box 02-1269, Brooklyn, NY 11202)

CUSTARD WALLY - Daze of Swine and Hoses [CD]
(206 Records Magazine #18)

The latest cumming (errr) from mom's apartment has been delivered. Another superbly heinous CD cover - Great job!! This bad boy showcases the previously mentioned hairy trio, however this time they are dressed up like pigs with condoms and handcuffs and the like. Your Tits (Make Me Cry) had me wanting to do just that. Seriously though, these guys are talented musically, I personally don't quite understand their mastery. Think Rocky Horror Picture Show meets El Duce and The Carpenters. (Custard Wally P.O. Box 02-1269, Brooklyn, NY 11202)

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