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Just wanted to say THANK YOU for coming to The Sterling yesterday. We had
an excellent turnout for a rainy Thursday night and that's what it's all
about. For those of you blissfully unaware of how the music biz works (or
doesn't work) at our lowly level, it's all about attendance and the cash

You can be the greatest band in the world but if no one shows up yer
nowhere. Conversely, you can suck the peanuts out of (NAME YOUR LEAST
FAVORITE BAND HERE)'s ass and if you pack the joint you get the prime gigs.

We had a great, non-ahole crowd and most of you are free-spending drunks so
it worked out even better than we hoped.

We're gonna try to hit The Sterling every coupla months, so hopefully we'll
get to see yuze guys all again soon.

Oh yeah, if we fergot to mention: soak them T-Shirts separately in the
sink to get the dye out or they'll blacken the other clothes you wash them
with and then you might not luv us anymore.

THANKS AGAIN! It was great seeing all of you and we hope you had fun.

Tonight we're back at NIAGARA BAR in NYC. Hope to see you there


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