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Hello Birdluvvers,

We're back at the renowned CONTINENTAL
this TUESDAY, APRIL 11....9:00PM....30 minnit set.

This should be an interesting show...the last few rehearsals have seen us slowing down a bit and actually playing the songs. Not to be confused wif maturing musicianship; Matt nearly sliced a digit off whilst playing wif broken glass, and G-Rod has 2 broken fingers from executing "military maneuvers" wif one of his barchums at the local beertrough. This reduced manual capacity has caused an almost musical rhythm section! Who knew there were songs buried beneef all that crashing about?

We're hoping to have this show filmed if our videotographer has returned unhandcuffed from his hashhuffing sojourn to Amsterdam. In order to liven things up a bit, please feel free to heckle, dress sluttishly (especially yuze women), and scream/wail like an eternally ungrateful, parasitic illegal alien.

As mentioned previously, THE CONTINTENTAL is apparently closing this summer to become a much needed sports bar. We recommend coming down and cherishing this nonlegendary slagpit whilst one can. Toilet update: after nearly 2 decades of hep C flavored grime, soapdispensers and handtowels were spotted in the urinals last month!! Some premature prepwork for the makeover? Perhaps them chubby pseudojocks are a bit cleaner than they look

718/596-4841 ext 2

25 Third Avenue NYC (at St. Marks, between 8th - 9th Streets)
212 529 6924


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