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And I never will forget her,
She was really quite a show!
Like a long forgotten leper farm,
A certain type of fella can't follow his nose!

We were going at it constantly,
Like two cobras in a cove.
Something hadda give eventually,
A puddle of platunium soon to explode.

Same old arguments always coming back to me,
Tired of telling you my responsibilities.
The time is coming for me to face reality,
I'll need a drink on that day.

And it ended quite impulsively,
Though the warning shots were fired.
Down the steps we bounced convulsively,
Ya surely wouldn't call it the good type of tired.

And I think about her once awhile,
When the dentist's drill is near.
Then I rinse it all away again,
Turn the corner quickly and clear out
when tommyrot's near.


C & P Copyright Chris Giunta 2004

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